Although the first thing you will be asked to do is to choose a name for the workflow, the most important decision you need to make is how it will start.
Selecting a Trigger
The trigger you select determines how the workflow will start. Workflows are specific and unique to each channel.
- Shortcut menu: Your workflow starts when someone runs it from the shortcut menu.
- New channel member: The workflow starts automatically when someone joins the channel you have selected.
- Emoji reaction: The workflow starts automatically when a channel member adds an emoji reaction to a message.
- Scheduled date and time: The workflow starts automatically at the set date and time.
Members of a channel can easily access workflows from the shortcut menu and use them as needed. Workflows with other triggers that are started automatically are more contextualised, be aware of the context of the action that started them and that some users may not expect these workflows.
Customise your workflow
Once you have selected a trigger, you will need to choose the channel on which you want the workflow to be used, and then you will be asked to customise it. What you need to do will depend on the trigger you choose.