Course Content
Collaborating on a Padlet Board (10 minutes)
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Padlet: An Online tool to help Organisations organise and plan
About Lesson

Finally, we will provide some tips for maximising the potential of Padlet for different contexts. These tips will help you use Padlet more effectively for brainstorming, note-taking, project management, event planning, and education.

  1. Brainstorming:
  • Use the “Canvas” template or a blank board to encourage free-flowing ideas.
  • Enable the “Stream” view to see ideas as they are added in real-time.
  • Encourage participants to use a variety of content types (text, images, videos) to express their ideas.
  1. Note-taking:
  • Create a structured layout using columns or sections for organising different topics or categories.
  • Utilise the “Document” template for taking detailed notes during meetings, lectures, or research.
  • Encourage participants to summarise key points and add links or references for further exploration.
  1. Project Management:
  • Use the “Grid” template to create a task board with columns for different project stages (To Do, In Progress, Completed).
  • Assign tasks to team members by adding their names or initials to specific items.
  • Utilise the collaboration feature to foster communication and updates within the team.
  1. Event Planning:
  • Create a board specifically for event details, such as venue options, schedule, and attendee list.
  • Embed the Padlet board on a dedicated event website or share it with collaborators to gather input and make decisions.
  • Use the “Map” template to visually represent event locations or create a timeline of activities.
  1. Education:
  • Encourage student engagement by using interactive features like quizzes or polls on the board.
  • Utilise the comment feature to facilitate class discussions or peer feedback on student work.
  • Create separate boards for different subjects or units to keep educational resources organised.

General Tips:

  • Customise the design and layout of your Padlet board to match the purpose and audience.
  • Use a mix of content types (text, images, videos, links) to make the board visually appealing and engaging.
  • Experiment with different Padlet features, such as sticky notes, voting, or time-stamped comments, to enhance interactivity.
  • Regularly monitor and moderate the board to ensure a positive and productive environment.
  • Encourage collaboration and participation by setting clear guidelines and expectations for contributors.

Remember, these tips can be adapted and combined to suit your specific needs and objectives in each context. Feel free to explore and experiment with different approaches to maximise the potential of Padlet in your unique situations