Course Content
Collaborating on a Padlet Board (10 minutes)
FAQs about using Padlet
Padlet: An Online tool to help Organisations organise and plan
About Lesson

In this lesson we will look at how Padlet can be used in different settings and how it might help you to streamline your work and highlighting its potential to enhance efficiency and collaboration.


Class Discussions: Padlet serves as a dynamic platform for fostering engaging class discussions. Students can share thoughts, insights, and resources in a visually organised manner.

Group Projects: Facilitating seamless collaboration, Padlet enables students to contribute ideas, resources, and progress updates, promoting a more cohesive and interactive group project experience.

Peer Review: Through Padlet, peer review processes become streamlined. Students can provide feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticism on projects, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Note-Taking: Padlet transcends traditional note-taking methods by providing a visual and interactive space for students to compile, share, and collectively build upon class notes.


Brainstorming:Padlet becomes a virtual whiteboard for brainstorming sessions, allowing teams to visually map out ideas, strategies, and solutions collaboratively.

Project Management: Efficient project management is achievable with Padlet, where tasks, timelines, and updates can be organised and tracked in real-time, promoting transparency and accountability.

Team Collaboration: Enhance team collaboration by creating a central hub on Padlet where members can share updates, resources, and collaborate on various aspects of projects.

Personal Use:
Event Planning:Padlet serves as a versatile tool for planning events. Users can create boards to organise tasks, gather ideas, and collaborate with others involved in the event.

Travel Itineraries:For travel enthusiasts, Padlet provides a visual space to plan itineraries, share recommendations, and gather essential information for a seamless travel experience.

Idea and Inspiration Board: Capture and organise ideas and inspirations on a Padlet board, creating a visually appealing collection that can be revisited and expanded over time.

Youth Work:

Project Writing:In the realm of youth work, Padlet aids in project writing by providing a collaborative space for brainstorming ideas, outlining plans, and gathering feedback.

Info-pack Writing:Creating informative packages becomes more interactive on Padlet, allowing youth workers to compile and share information in a visually appealing and accessible format.

Teambuilding: Enhance team cohesion through Padlet by creating boards that encourage team members to share interests, strengths, and collaborative activities, fostering a sense of unity.

As we celebrate Padlet’s versatility, it’s evident that its adaptability spans across education, business, personal use, and youth work, making it a valuable asset in various contexts.

How else could you use it? What uses do you use padlet for already?