Course Content
Collaborating on a Padlet Board (10 minutes)
FAQs about using Padlet
Padlet: An Online tool to help Organisations organise and plan
About Lesson

Padlet Cheat Sheet:

Creating a new Padlet board:

– Go to the Padlet website and click “Create a Padlet.”
– Choose a board layout and customise the settings.
– Add a title and description.
– Start adding content to your board.

Adding content to a Padlet board:

– Click on the “Add+” button.
– Choose the type of content you want to add (text, image, video, link, file, audio recording).
– Edit the content as desired.
– Use tags to organise and search your content.

Customising board settings:

– Click on the gear icon in the top right corner.
– Change the board privacy settings, background color, and header image.
– Adjust other settings such as the ability to add comments or collaborate with others.

Collaborating on a Padlet board:

– Share the board link or invite users directly to collaborate.
– Use the real-time collaboration features to work together on the board.
– Use the “Activity” feature to track changes and see who has added content.

Advanced features:

– Use templates to create pre-designed board layouts.
– Embed your Padlet board into other websites or applications.
– Export your board as a PDF, image, or CSV file.

Tips for using Padlet effectively:

– Consider your audience and purpose when designing your board.
– Use a consistent layout and organization strategy to make your board easy to navigate.
– Use colour-coding and tagging to group and organise content.
– Encourage collaboration and engagement by asking questions and prompting discussion.