Volunteering teams are solidarity activities that allow teams of participants (between a number of 10 to 40) coming from at least two different countries to volunteer together for a short period of time. Such solidarity activities could especially contribute to the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in the European Solidarity Corps. The composition of the volunteering teams must be international; at least a quarter of the volunteers must come from a country other than the one where the activity takes place.
For whom?
These projects are designed for young people over the age of 18 with a maximum age of 30 on the starting day of volunteering, who reside in programme and partner countries. Potential participants can register on the ESC portal and start looking for opportunities at the age of 17.
How long do they last?
Projects can last from 2 weeks up to 2 months.
Where do they take place?
- Cross-border i.e. activities taking place in a country different from the country of residence of the participant(s);
- In-country, i.e. activities taking place in the same country as the country of residence of the participant, in particular, to encourage and facilitate the participation of young people with fewer opportunities.
- Complementary insurance;
- Linguistic support and training (on arrival and midterm);
- Travel, up to a certain limit set by the Programme on the basis of the distance between your host and sending association;
- Accommodation and food can be provided directly by the association or an amount that can cover these needs based on the location of the activity;
- Pocket money, a token amount of pocket money of between 3 to 6 € per day, depending on the country;
- Special needs (e.g. disability), are also covered if necessary.
How many team volunteering projects can I participate in?
In contrast to individual volunteering, with team volunteering you can volunteer as many times as you want without limit.