Volunteering: Individual and Team
Volunteering projects offer opportunities for young people to take part in solidarity activities and help to address identified needs within local communities and contribute to overcoming important societal challenges on the ground. Volunteering may take place in a country other than the country of residence of the participant (cross-border) or in the country of residence of the participant (in-country).
The range of volunteering projects is wide and covers a wide variety of areas, such as environmental protection, climate change mitigation or greater social inclusion.
Team Volunteering in High Priority Areas
Team Volunteering in high priority areas consists of large-scale, high-impact projects in support of volunteering activities carried out by young people from at least two different countries to show solidarity through short-term interventions addressing common European challenges in strategic areas defined each year at EU level.
Solidarity projects
It is a non-profit solidarity activity initiated, developed and implemented by young people over a period of two to twelve months. It offers a group of at least five young people the opportunity to show their solidarity by taking responsibility and committing themselves to bring about positive change in their local community.
Participation in a solidarity project is an important non-formal learning experience through which young people can enhance their personal, educational, social and civic development.
Learn more about each of these opportunities in the next part of the course and on this page.