Virtual Training Course for Digital Youth Worker
About Lesson

Welcome to the lesson about the management of Forums.

The Forum on MYNGO is similar to most forums. The idea however is that it will allow to connect members with their organisations as well as members of other organisations. When taking part in an online course, like yours, it is possible to create topics related to the course which can be used by the participants to interact, and share knowledge and ideas. Among the features of the forum are the following:

  1. Topic Creation and Organisation: Users can create new discussion topics or threads within different categories or sub-forums, allowing for easy organization and navigation of content.

  2. Posting and Replying: Users can post messages, questions, or comments within existing discussion topics. They can reply to other users’ posts, creating threaded conversations.

  3. Moderation and User Roles: As the forum owner or administrator, you have the ability to moderate the discussions by managing user roles, setting permissions, and enforcing community guidelines. This ensures a safe and respectful environment for participants.

  4. Notifications and Subscriptions: Users can subscribe to specific discussion threads or categories to receive notifications about new posts or replies. This feature helps users stay updated on relevant discussions.

  5. Search Functionality: Forums often include a search feature, allowing users to find specific topics or posts based on keywords or tags. This makes it easier to locate relevant information.

In this tutorial we will see how organisations and member can interact through the forum area. This space is meant to be an space for discussions, Q&A, experiences exchange, and more.

MATERIALS: In the “exercise file” section you can find a textbook with all the information that our trainer explained in the video tutorial. You can download it and keep it with you as future reference.

Enjoy the video tutorial and see you in the next lesson.

Exercise Files
Tutorials – How to publish and interact into the platform forum.docx
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