(2 Ratings)

Virtual Training Course for Digital Youth Worker

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About Course

Welcome to the Digital Youth Work Virtual Training Course!
We are thrilled to have you join us on this exciting journey exploring the world of digital youth work. This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively engage with young people in the digital age. Whether you are a youth worker, educator, or someone passionate about supporting young people, this course will provide valuable insights and practical strategies for engaging with digital tools and MYNGO platform to promote positive youth development and exchanges.

In this course, we will delve into the fundamental concepts, practices and tools of digital youth work. You will gain a deep understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by digital technologies in working with young people. Through interactive lessons, engaging activities, and collaborative projects, you will develop the skills necessary to create impactful and empowering digital youth work initiatives.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of digital youth work and its significance in today’s society.
  2. Navigate and utilise MYNGO platform and various digital tools for effective youth engagement.
  3. Apply ethical considerations and best practices when working with young people in the digital space.
  4. Design and implement engaging digital activities and projects to support youth development.
  5. Evaluate the impact of digital youth work initiatives and continuously adapt to changing needs.

The course is divided into four sections, each focusing on specific aspects of digital youth work. Each section will last for one week, allowing you to immerse yourself in the topic and engage in synchronous and asynchronous activities. The course will require a commitment of approximately 5 hours per week. Throughout the course, you will have opportunities for interaction with fellow participants, as well as access to valuable resources and expert insights.

To create a dynamic and interactive learning experience, we have incorporated a mix of synchronous and asynchronous activities. Synchronous activities, conducted through live sessions on platforms like Zoom, will provide opportunities for real-time interaction, discussions, and collaborative exercises. Asynchronous activities, such as readings, quizzes, and forum discussions, will allow flexibility in your learning journey, enabling you to engage with the course materials at your own pace.

You will have access to a range of carefully curated materials and resources, including video lectures, presentations, textbooks, case studies, and practical guides. These resources will support your understanding of key concepts and provide inspiration for designing your own digital youth work initiatives.

We encourage you to actively participate in the course, ask questions, share your experiences, and collaborate with your peers. This learning community will foster an environment of support and growth, where we can learn from one another and collectively advance our knowledge and practice in digital youth work.
We hope you find this course enriching and inspiring, and we look forward to embarking on this transformative learning journey with you!
Let’s dive in and discover the exciting possibilities of MYNGO platform and digital youth work together!

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What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the concept of digital youth work and its significance in today's society.
  • Navigate and utilise MYNGO platform and various digital tools for effective youth engagement.
  • Apply ethical considerations and best practices when working with young people in the digital space.
  • Design and implement engaging digital activities and projects to support youth development.
  • Evaluate the impact of digital youth work initiatives and continuously adapt to changing needs.

Course Content

Get to Know Each Other and Introduction to the Course (Week 1)

  • Welcome Board
  • Welcome meeting and Course overview
  • Introduction to Digital Youth Work
  • Benefits and Challenges of Digital Youth Work
  • Digital Transformations in Youth Work
  • Digital literacy and Online Safety
  • Key Components of Digital Youth Work
  • Digital Youth Work: Examples and Case studies
  • Impact of digital youth work on young people
  • Ethical Considerations in Digital Youth Work
  • Tools and Resources for Digital Youth Work
  • Searching for Digital Tools
  • Reflection

MYNGO Platform and Sharing Tools (Week 2)

Virtual Learning Project Development (Week 3)

Evaluation (Week 4)

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 2 Ratings
2 Ratings
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Was great participating in the course; I could understand how is possible to build good connections, teams online and develop activities
Laura Dall'Omo
3 weeks ago
Course that builds the foundations for projects that include digital in an effective way. Super recommended!