How to register and use MYNGO Platform
About Lesson

Welcome to the “Learning Management System (LMS)” lesson!
In this lesson, we will explore MYNGO’s powerful LMS, designed to create a rich and engaging learning experience for your members. This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating your first lessons, utilizing the main teaching tools, and setting up the basic configurations to launch your e-learning courses.

Introduction to MYNGO’s LMS

MYNGO’s LMS is built on the robust Tutor LMS platform, offering a range of features to enhance your teaching and learning experience. Here’s an overview of what you can do with MYNGO’s LMS:

  • Course Creation: Easily create and manage online courses using a user-friendly course builder interface.
  • Frontend Course Builder: Build and edit courses directly from the frontend of your WordPress website, making it convenient for instructors.
  • Multimedia Support: Incorporate various multimedia content into your courses, including videos, audio files, images, and documents.
  • Quizzes and Assessments: Create interactive quizzes and assessments with multiple question types and grading options.
  • Course Prerequisites: Set prerequisites for courses to ensure students meet certain requirements before enrolling.
  • Content Drip: Schedule the release of course content over time, allowing for a structured learning experience.
  • Student Management: Manage student enrollments, track their progress, and communicate with them through built-in messaging features.
  • Certificates and Badges: Issue completion certificates or badges to students upon successfully finishing a course or meeting specific criteria.
  • Course Reviews and Ratings: Enable students to leave reviews and ratings for courses, providing social proof and feedback.
  • Course Announcements: Communicate important updates, announcements, or reminders to enrolled students.
  • Discussion Boards: Enable students to engage in course-related discussions through integrated discussion boards.

Steps to Create Your First Course

  1. Getting Started with Course Creation

    • Navigate to the course creation section on MYNGO.
    • Use the course builder interface to start designing your course.
    • Add a course title, description, and objectives to outline what students will learn.
  2. Adding Multimedia Content

    • Incorporate videos, audio files, images, and documents to create engaging lessons.
    • Ensure that the content is relevant and enhances the learning experience.
  3. Setting Up Quizzes and Assessments

    • Create quizzes and assessments to evaluate students’ understanding.
    • Use various question types (e.g., multiple-choice, true/false, short answer) and set grading options.
  4. Configuring Course Prerequisites and Content Drip

    • Set prerequisites for courses to ensure students are prepared for advanced content.
    • Schedule the release of course content over time to maintain a structured learning path.
  5. Managing Students

    • Track student enrollments and monitor their progress.
    • Use the built-in messaging features to communicate with students and provide support.
  6. Issuing Certificates

    • Design and issue completion certificates to recognize students’ achievements.
    • Set specific criteria that students must meet to earn these credentials.
  7. Enabling Course Reviews and Ratings

    • Allow students to leave reviews and ratings for courses, helping you gather feedback and build credibility.
  8. Making Announcements and Facilitating Discussions

    • Use the course announcement feature to keep students informed about important updates.
    • Foster a collaborative learning environment by enabling discussion boards for course-related topics.

MATERIALS: In the “exercise file” section, you will find a comprehensive textbook that contains all the information covered in the video tutorial. This resource is available for download and can be used for future reference. It includes step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and additional tips to help you maximize the use of MYNGO’s LMS.

By the end of this lesson, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to create and manage engaging online courses using MYNGO’s LMS. This will empower your members by providing them with high-quality educational experiences.

Enjoy the video tutorial, and see you in the next lesson!

Exercise Files
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