Virtual Training Course for Digital Youth Worker
About Lesson

Welcome to the lesson about the Organisation’s Profile.

The organisation’s profile is the face of your organisation on MyNGO platform. Once logged in, you can register new members, create online courses, write articles and so on. Several people from your organisation may use this same profile, so it is important to ensure everyone has the relevant knowledge to use this profile.

In this tutorial we will see how the organisations can apply to MyNGO network and create their own profile on the platform. This will allow them to start using all the amazing features of the platform and engage with their own members to another level.

MATERIALS: In the “exercise file” section you can find a textbook with all the information that our trainer explained in the video tutorial. You can download it and keep it with you as future reference.

Enjoy the video tutorial and see you in the next lesson.

Exercise Files
Tutorials – Organisation’s profile.docx
Size: 144.64 KB
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