Virtual Training Course for Digital Youth Worker
About Lesson

Welcome to the lesson about our Learning Management System (LMS or e-learning).

In this tutorial we will see how to create our first lessons, the main teaching tools we have available, and how to set the basic settings to create our first e-learning and empower our member’s experience.

The LMS on MYNGO is built on Tutor LMS, which among others has the following features.

  1. Course Creation: Easily create and manage online courses with a user-friendly course builder interface.
  2. Frontend Course Builder: Build and edit courses directly from the frontend of your WordPress website, making it convenient for instructors.
  3. Multimedia Support: Incorporate various multimedia content into your courses, including videos, audio files, images, and documents.
  4. Quizzes and Assessments: Create interactive quizzes and assessments with multiple question types and grading options.
  5. Course Prerequisites: Set prerequisites for courses to ensure students meet certain requirements before enrolling.
  6. Content Drip: Schedule the release of course content over time, allowing for a structured learning experience.
  7. Student Management: Manage student enrollments, track their progress, and communicate with them through built-in messaging features.
  8. Certificates and Badges: Issue completion certificates or badges to students upon successfully finishing a course or meeting specific criteria.
  9. Course Reviews and Ratings: Enable students to leave reviews and ratings for courses, providing social proof and feedback.
  10. Course Announcements: Communicate important updates, announcements, or reminders to enrolled students.
  11. Discussion Boards: Enable students to engage in course-related discussions through integrated discussion boards.

MATERIALS: In the “exercise file” section you can find a textbook with all the information that our trainer explained in the video tutorial. You can download it and keep it with you as future reference.

Enjoy the video tutorial and see you in the next lesson.

Exercise Files
Tutorials – How to create our first e-learning.docx
Size: 144.65 KB
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