From 21 to 29 September 2022, a training course on the use of the platform was held in Passignano sul Trasimeno, Italy.

The training was hosted at the Fattoria La Buona Terra, the official headquarters of the Kora Association, a training myngoproject partner. The main objective of the training, attended by members of the four organisations developing the project, was to test, evaluate and discuss the changes to be made to improve the MYNGO platform before its official launch and thus ensure its effectiveness, suitability and ability to achieve its objectives.

The training started with a first part dedicated to the mutual acquaintance of the participants. The four organisations involved [Asociación Brújula Intercultural (Spain), Associazione Kora (Italy), Dynamic Learning (Estonia) and Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu (Poland)] participated with three members each, including those who had participated as developers of the platform in the previous months.
The latter were the trainers of the central part of the training where the platform was presented and tests were started to assess its effectiveness and schedule future changes.

myngo tcDuring the test phase and to assess the actual effectiveness of the platform, a questionnaire was sent out to mailing lists of organisations potentially interested in using the platform in the future. The answers to the questionnaire helped to direct the necessary changes to the platform before the launch and provided a list of needs of fundamental importance for the further developments of the project.

The training ended with an evaluation part of the experience and the platform and the definition of the timing of the adjustments to be made and the scheduling of the official launch date.