Salami technique / Retro-planning

This exercise helps you achieving the projects you brainstormed and prioritise in the previous assignment by identifying smaller parts to achieve and thinking of different strategies to accomplish each task. For example, take the project that got the highest score in your previous assignment. In this description we’ll imagine you want to enrol at the London […]

10 Life Projects

You’re almost at the end of your ESC, and this is when you might start wondering what to do next. This exercise will help you brainstorm different short-term and long-term projects that you would like to achieve in your life, and prioritise them according to different criteria. It could be learning another language, finishing university, […]


We are getting close to the end of your project, so we’d like to give you a few tools that can help you plan for the after-ESC. The first one we propose to you is an analysis that we took from Permaculture Design Courses, through which participants can start reflecting on their personal resources in […]

Personality quiz

Curious to find out which one is your personality type? You can take this 10 minutes quiz that will reveal it! Then let us know what you think about the result: which traits do you find correct, and which ones are not that accurate? How can knowing your personality type improve your actions, behaviour and […]

Youthpass: competences update

Some time has passed since you were introduced to Youthpass and the 8 competences: we suggest you have another look at your first notes and add any competence you might have learnt or improved since then!

Periodic evaluation

Time to give us and yourself an overview of your project so far: please answer the questions in this online form and make sure to include everything you need to tell us!

Money management tips assessment

Take a look at these tips on how to improve your money management: which ones could you start adopting in your life? Some of them hint at money management apps, for instance to track your expenses or to buy and sell second hand items online: have you ever used them? Find the one that best […]

Tips assessment

Take a look at these tips on how to improve your time management and write down which ones you could start adopting in your life.

Soft skills test

Have a look at the list in the previous lesson: which soft skills do you think you master, and which ones would you like to train? You can also take this test to assess your soft skills and write us what you think about the result!


Can you think of a situation in your project right now where you could apply the nonviolence communication principles? Can you give it an objective description, identify your feelings, understanding your needs and make a request? How would you formulate it according to the 4-parts structure described in the previous lesson?