Course Content
First module
Welcome to the European Solidarity Corps! In this first module, you'll be introduced to the ESC, its mission, and the values that underpin it. You'll learn about the importance of solidarity in Europe, the goals of the ESC, and what it means to be part of this vibrant community. We'll also give you a tool to brainstorm your initial steps in your new project, that will also serve as a reflection on your first impressions. Let’s get started on this exciting path toward making a positive impact in communities across Europe!
Second module
As you know, the European Solidarity Corps are based on non formal education: but what is it? In this module you'll learn more about it, and you'll start reflecting on the learning processes that can help you get the most from your project.
Third module
In this module we'll continue reflecting on the learning process starting with an activity that helps you summarize your past experiences; then we'll take some time to pause and reflect on how you are feeling at this point of your project, and finally you'll have the chance to get in touch with your future self to start projecting on your after-ESC!
Fourth module
This module will help you setting more precise learning goals and discover what learning style works best for you. In the end, we'll have another evaluation tool to check how every aspect of your life is going right now.
Fifth module
Ever heard of Youthpass? Well even if you haven't, we're going to provide you with a recap! You'll find out what it is, what are its purposes and content, and you'll start noting down the things you've learnt or improved during your project. As in every module, we'll also help you take a pause, reflect on your last days/weeks and think of what you enjoyed, what can be improved and so on.
Sixth module
Living as a European Solidarity Corps volunteer often means living in an intercultural, diverse environment, where effective communication is crucial. This is why we thought that non violent communication might help: in this module you'll learn the basics of it, even with some practical examples, and you can train it in your everyday life... even after the end of the project! We'll also provide you with another tool to evaluate your experience and reflect on it under different aspects.
Seventh module
You are now at half-project! We'll take advantage to keep exploring a path of personal development, particularly with the Ikigai assignment, and we'll give you the chance to reflect on the first half of your project with a reprise of an activity you did at the beginning: going back to it and updating it will help you evaluate it and find new motivation for the second half!
Eighth module
The end of the project approaches, and it can still be an amazing opportunity to train your soft skills: do you know what they are? Find out more about them in this module!
Ninth module
In this module we'll provide you with some practical tip that, in our experience as and with European Solidarity Corps volunteers, we noticed are very valuable: time and money management. We hope you'll treasure them!
Tenth module
Only two more modules to go, so we're curious about your learning process: this module will allow you to update your Youthpass and give us a periodic evaluation of your experience.
Eleventh module
Almost at the end of your project, we thought to help you end your journey of personal development and self-discovery with something that can make you reflect about yourself under a different light...
Twelfth module
We are getting at the end of your project, so before you finish we'd like to give you a few tools that can help you plan for the after-ESC: an analysis of your personal resources, a brainstorming about your possible future goals and paths... Thanks for having followed this journey, take advantage of this last tools before leaving us!
Volunteer Mentoring Journey
About Lesson

Youthpass is a European recognition instrument for identifying and documenting learning outcomes that are acquired in projects under the Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps programmes.

  • Youthpass promotes individual reflection and awareness about learning and helps to make learning outcomes visible for the learners themselves as well as for others.
  • It aims to reinforce reflective practices in youth work and solidarity activities, thereby enhancing their quality and recognition.
  • It also supports the continued pathways of young people and youth workers, and…
  • raises visibility of the value of European engagement.

The Youthpass certificate is divided into three sections.

The first part confirms the participation in a given project and shortly lists the main facts about the project. It also provides background information about the general context and value of the EU youth programmes. It has to be signed by a legal representative of the organisation.

In the second section, participants reflect upon their learning and the outcomes. They are encouraged to describe what they have learnt in the course of the project through self-assessment. For writing the self-assessment they are invited to make use of the eight key competences for lifelong learning for the certificates in activities mainly targeting young people as learners (such as in volunteering projects, in youth exchanges, youth participation projects). In activities mainly targeting youth work practitioners as learners (such as training courses), European Training Strategy Competence Model for Youth Workers is used as the reference framework for self-assessment.

This part is signed by the learners themselves. If applicable, a dialogue partner is also invited to sign this section. There is neither a limitation to how much the participants are allowed to write, nor do they have to include every single competence area.

The third section is an optional part that informs about the activities within a project in more detail. The organisations in charge are mentioned, the aims, activities, and results of each activity are described. This part is intended to be used in projects that have several activities and in general is not meant to be used for single-activity projects.


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