Course Content
Introduction to Erasmus+ Youth
This module serves as the foundation for your journey into the world of Erasmus+ Youth, an exciting programme that offers young people across Europe a myriad of opportunities to engage in international experiences, develop new skills, and foster a sense of global citizenship.
What are the opportunities?
Here you can find out about the different types of opportunities related to the Erasmus+ programme and learn more about the Youth Exchange and Training Course.
Who can take part?
Discover who can join the opportunities mentioned before.
How does it work?
As you know, the European Commission funds these mobilities, so in this section you will learn more about how the funding is distributed and how to prepare yourself to take part in a mobility.
Beginner’s Guide to Erasmus+ Youth for young people
About Lesson

As a general rule, participants in Erasmus+ projects must be established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme. Some Actions, notably in the fields of higher education, vocational education and training, and youth, are also open to participants from third countries not associated to the Programme. You can find more information here.

The specific conditions for participating in an Erasmus+ project depend on the type of Action concerned.

In general terms, the main target groups are:

  • For projects relevant for the field of higher education, the main targets are: higher education students (short cycle, first, second or third cycle), higher education teachers and professors, staff of higher education institutions, trainers and professionals in enterprises;
  • For projects relevant for the field of vocational education and training, the main targets are: apprentices and students in vocational education and training, professionals and trainers in vocational education and training, staff of initial vocational education and training organisations, trainers and professionals in enterprises;
  • For projects relevant for the field of school education, the main targets are: school leaders, school teachers and school staff, pupils in pre-primary, primary and secondary education;
  • For projects relevant for the field of adult education, the main targets are: members of non-vocational adult education organisations, trainers, staff and learners in non-vocational adult education;
  • For projects relevant for the youth field the main targets are: young people from 13 to 30(a) , youth workers, staff and members of organisations active in the youth field;
  • For projects relevant to the field of sport, the main targets are: professionals and volunteers in the field of sport, athletes and coaches.

(a) Different age limits apply depending on the different types of activities.