Mastering Factile: Creating Engaging Quiz Games for Learning and Fun
About Lesson

Factile offers both team mode and individual play. Team mode is great for promoting teamwork and collaboration. Participants can discuss and decide on answers together, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

To enable team mode, select ‘Team Mode’ when setting up your game. You can assign participants to teams manually or let Factile do it automatically.

Encourage team communication by providing a platform for discussion, whether in person or through online breakout rooms. Set clear guidelines to ensure everyone has a chance to contribute and decide on answers together, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Use collaborative features like the buzzer mode, where teams compete to buzz in first. This adds an element of excitement and quick thinking to the game.

In the next lesson, we’ll cover how to use Factile’s analytics and feedback features.

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